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    PBA '88: A Box Office Storm


    PBA '88: A Box Office Storm Empty PBA '88: A Box Office Storm

    Post by Mon23 Mon Mar 08, 2010 11:20 am

    December 1988

    Commissioner Rudy Salud didn't want to take any credit for the PBA's unprecedented success this year which saw the pro league register a new high of P17,034,425 in gross earnings, a whopping 26 percent increase from its previous high of P13,552,555 in 1986.
    Instead, he pointed to several factors, among them Purefoods' entry into the league, the never-say-die attitude of Anejo and the general response of all the teams to his call for professionalism as the catalysts which spelled the PBA's tremendous performance this year gate-wise. Still, it can't be denied that Salud, running the PBA show with the brand-new enthusiasm and a more vigorous response to the fans' clamor for improved officiating, among other things, made things happen for the league in his first full year as the man on top.
    Okay, after dipping to a low of P11,470,928 in gross receipts last year, earnings had no way to go but up. But the sudden jump to the P17-million mark was, to say the least, staggering. the rest of the figures released by the PBA last Tuesday, speak for themselves: average gate receipts rose to P175,000 from the 1987 mark of P126,054 and 1986's P152,276; average attendance rose to 6,349 from 5,765(1986) and 4,480(1987) per game and altogether, a total of 615,892 paying fans watched the games, up from 407,670(1987) and 573,076(1986).
    Salud didn't say it but his campaign to minimize gambling and scalping at the ULTRA of tickets, along with his determined drive to reduce court hooliganism and discourage it by increasing fines on erring players, contributed largely to this banner year.

    Anejo not disbanding

    Rumors have been floating around that La Tondena would be disbanding its very popular pro team next year because the San Miguel Corporation management has deemed it quite expensive to be having two ballclubs in the league.
    A check with reliable sources says its not true and that the budget for the Anejos would be increased next season. Pepsi Cola was reportedly interested in acquiring the squad, lock, stock and barrel, to start the year with a bang. However, there are no proofs yet regarding the negotiation since Pepsi is also a rival company of SMC.
    Robert Jaworski has assured everyone that he will still be playing, although on a reduced time exposure, if it warrants. That probably jacked up the adrenalin of prospective franchise buyers.
    First, it was RFM that was eyeing Jaworski and Co. However, Joey Concepcion became more interested in requesting the PBA to allow the national team to play in at least two conferences as guest to further the boys’ training and development for the SEA Games in September. That means all talks have fizzled out.

    Why Jaworski was Chosen

    Some quarters maybe wondering why Jaworski was chosen as the Pro Basketball Player of the Year by the Philippine Sportwriters Association when Ramon Fernandez was voted on in the PBA Awards night.
    This is not the first time that the prestigious PSA has deviated from the PBA’s choice. Last year, it was Elpidio Villamin instead of Abet Guidaben. It is not the statistics that count at all times. There are intangables like the efforts exerted by the concerned player, his presence on the hardcourt, the inspiration and leadership he gives to his teammates, the integrity and dignity he possesses as a person, etc. Jaworski has all of the desirable qualities that’s why he was given the award unanimously in the same manner when he won both the Athlete of the Year and the Pro Basketball award of the year in 1978.

    Last edited by Mon23 on Sun Feb 27, 2011 6:25 pm; edited 1 time in total

    PBA '88: A Box Office Storm Empty Re: PBA '88: A Box Office Storm

    Post by dmkmalufet Tue Mar 09, 2010 7:16 am

    tagal na yan a PBA '88: A Box Office Storm 1020217971

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